Tuesday 7 May 2013


After developing my idea further and going from voyeurism to digital voyeurism I summarised my research and what I needed to take forward, this has been my development so far with crit feedback:

The subject of my essay was 'The Gaze' where I lightly touched on the concept of voyeurism, this was the topic I wanted to take forward and create my publication around.  My original idea was to create a publication that focused on the modern day concept of voyeurism, as it has evolved within modern day culture.  I wanted to focus on photography and use the camera lens to capture unaware subjects using the window as a visual access point to their environment.  

After taking the photos and presenting to Richard he said it needed work as the theory element of it wasn't strong enough.  I struggled for a while and then came across this new concept 'digital voyeurism' and how surveillance and social networking is a platform for a voyeuristic society, I also looked at the Tate exhibition, Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera.

I want the content of my publication to be the evolvement of the concept of voyeurism to give it some background context and then focus on this new term of 'digital voyeurism' looking at stats, facts, figures and information about how this has aided a voyeuristic society.

I then had a tutorial with Fred where I spoke about all of this but still felt unsure of the nature of the publication.  We had a discussion that led to more ideas and help generate a new direction for the publication.
First I needed to outline what I was actually trying to say about the subject.  My main idea is that modern society has become too obsessed with an online fascination where people are more interested in showing what they are doing so that other people can view it.  Facebook and online networking has become a part of everyday life to the point of not being able to remember what it would be like without it.  And whilst this advance in technology is exciting it allows a generation of people to become engrossed with an online presence and this concept that is 'digital voyeurism.'  Another topic highlighting the concept of digital voyeurism was the amount of information people can know about someone having only met them once or twice.  Facebook and other social networking sites allow people to know a lot of information about them, how much is too much?

Instead of talking about the concept and the term that is digital voyeurism it would be better to display that through investigations and possible case studies of peoples social networking profiles to prove how much is online.

I now need to take my research further and start thinking about how the publication is going to take shape.
These are some initial notes I made after the tutorial:

  • publication format: editorial, publication - print format, making a point of it being offline
  • case studies of individual facebook accounts
  • ___________ viewed your profile
  • records - interesting idea that everything written on facebook is somehow saved whereas no one can collect those records of peoples speech from everyday life without doing it on purpose 
  • how much do you want people to know?
  • questioning why people have to put up so much information about themselves on the internet 
  • online biography 
  • do you know whose actually watching you?
  • updating social network has become a regular part of life - why?
  • life interaction - online interaction - basic communication has been lost due to advance in technology 

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